Privacy Policy

As part of the day-to-day running of our business, we collect and process personal data from a variety of sources. We aim to be as open and transparent as possible with the people we deal with, so that you are fully informed about how we use the information you give us, and the information we gather from other places, so that you can feel confident in our processes and the way we handle your information.

Who we are?
Hi, we’re Petalite Limited, a developer and distributor of electric charging technology solutions for EV’s. Our company registration number is 08987637.

Our VAT registration number is GB189026778.
Our ICO registration number is ZB579560.
Our postal address is Unit 2a Forward Park, 96 – 97 Bagot Street, Birmingham, England, B4 7BA

This Privacy Statement applies to the personal data processed by Petalite Limited and service providers appointed by us, when you do business with us, or if you use our website.

Where we are the organisation making the decisions about how to use the data, how long to keep it, who to share it with and more, we are the Controller.

How to contact us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, if you think we’ve missed something out, or would like to contact us about any other matter, please use the following contact information and we’ll be very happy to assist:

Office Address: Unit 2a Forward Park, 96 – 97 Bagot Street, Birmingham, England, B4 7BA
Telephone: (+44) 0330 120 0558

How we collect personal data through our website
We only do this via the contact email address and the contact telephone number.
If you email us, we will use the information you’ve provided to respond to your query.

If you call us using the number on our website, no formal record of this is held, and we will only ever use your information to respond to your query.

How we collect personal data in other ways
We also collect data in the following ways:

  • Face to face, for example at an event
  • Over the telephone or via Teams, Zoom, webinars
  • Via desk research looking at publicly available information (for example as provided on your own company website or LinkedIn, and other social platforms).
  • From you or your company in relation to invoicing and BAU operations.
  • From information on the internet such as Companies House (Director and company checks).

What personal data do we collect?
We only collect the personal data which is necessary to provide our services, respond to business queries, and send BAU communications: name, email address, job title, company name, telephone number, business address, bank details (only if we need them).

What do we do with your personal information?
If you are a Limited Company, we will contact you through the legal basis of Legitimate Interest, where we believe our communications to be of interest to you in your role at your business contact details. We always give you the option to not be added to mailing lists, as well as an easy option to opt out of our communications, should you wish to do so. Alternatively, please email us at to change your preferences or unsubscribe from our mailings.

If you are a client we’ll use your data to pay the company, send you invoices for money owed, send purchase orders, or estimates for work to be undertaken.

Aims of the policy
Our business will ensure that the personal data that we hold is kept secure and that it is held for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is being processed. In addition, we will retain the minimum amount of information to fulfil our statutory obligations and the provision of goods or/and services –as required by data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How long do we keep your data for?
There are statutory retention periods for some of the data we process, such as financial information, but other personal data will only be retained for the shortest period necessary for the purposes we are using it for. How long we retain data will vary depending on the specific purposes it is used for. If you have a query about a specific retention period, we’d be happy to let you know.

If you won’t provide your data
If you are unwilling to provide us with the data we need to engage with you, we won’t be able to supply our services. If there are specific concerns about a particular piece of data, please call us to discuss, as we’d rather understand your concerns and work through them, so that we’re all comfortable and able to work together.

Who we share your data with
As a general rule, we will not transfer your personal data to third parties without your permission.

There are some exceptions to this:
If you do not pay your bills, we may choose to engage a third party to recover any money you owe us. We’ve never done this, but we have a legitimate interest to pursue money owed to us and we want to keep this option open to us.

It is possible, though unlikely, that we might be forced via a legal obligation to disclose your information in response to a court order or other binding mandate.

We use an external accountancy service and they have limited visibility of your personal business data for the administration of company financial affairs. We have a legitimate interest to allow our Accountant to have limited access to our client’s personal data in order to manage our accounts.

What happens if our business changes hands?
We may, from time to time, expand or reduce our business and this may involve the sale and/or the transfer of control of all or part of our business. Any personal data that you have provided will, where it is relevant to any part of our business that is being transferred, be transferred along with that part and the new owner or newly controlling party will, depending on the lawful basis, be permitted to use that data only for the same purposes for which it was originally collected by us.

In the event that any of your data is to be transferred in such a manner, you will be contacted in advance and informed of the changes.
Your rights regarding personal data

You have a number of rights under data protection law, these are:

  • Access: You have the right to access the personal data we may hold about you and the purposes for which we are using it. We may need to ask for proof of your identity and clarify the scope of the request.
  • Rectification: You have the right to request that we amend any personal data which is incorrect or requires updating.
  • Object: The Right to Object to marketing is absolute. We will always unsubscribe you when asked. Otherwise, this Right is applicable under certain circumstances. If you exercise this Right, we will deal with your request based on the lawful basis we’re using to process your data, and the individual circumstances surrounding the processing.
  • Erasure: The Right to Erasure is limited. We will assess any deletion request on a case by case basis. Please note when you unsubscribe from communications we will not normally completely erase all of your details, but suppress them, to ensure you are not contacted again in future. If you prefer to be erased completely from our files, please do let us know.

In all cases, we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible, at most within one calendar month. There are exceptions that would allow us to extend the legal response timeframe to three months (Right of Access) – but that will be rare, and we will always keep you informed.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please use the following contact details:

  • Email:
  • Address: Unit 2a Forward Park, 96 – 97 Bagot Street, Birmingham, England, B4 7BA.
  • Phone: + (+44) 0330 120 0558
    Third country transfers

A number of the SaaS providers we have engaged are based outside of the UK/EU.
Where this is the case, we ensure that they have a lawful transfer mechanism to transfer the data in the 3rd country, along with supplementary measures where necessary.

In all cases, the lawful transfer mechanism used are the EU Standard Contractual Clauses, with the UK Addendum (if necessary).

External Links
If you follow links to other sites from our website your data will be subject to the privacy policies of those sites. You should refer to these policies before providing your data.

Updates to this statement
We review and update this Statement regularly to take account of changes to our processing and regulatory changes. We encourage you to review it from time to time. If we make any significant changes to this Statement, we will endeavour to communicate this to you where possible.
If you wish to complain

If you have a complaint about how we have processed your data, we would ask you to please contact us in the first instance so that we may take steps to remedy the issue.

You are of course also entitled to refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office by visiting their website at
How you can reach us

Office Address: Unit 2a Forward Park, 96 – 97 Bagot Street, Birmingham, England, B4 7BA

Telephone: (+44) 0330 120 0558

Last updated January 2024.

Full details of the information stored by the company, retention period, location and method of destruction please email